

Three billion cups of tea are consumed each day worldwide.
It is the second most popular beverage after water.


Comidare SL offers its unique brand of tea AL WADDAN®, blended carefully which makes it the ideal choice to enjoy a real cup of tea.

Three billion cups of tea are consumed each day worldwide.
It is the second most popular beverage after water,


Comidare SL offers its unique brand of tea AL WADDAN®, blended carefully which makes it the ideal choice to enjoy a real cup of tea.

AL WADDAN® Ceylon Black Tea

This Pure Ceylon black tea is a fine grade of large leaf tea.
It is made of long, slightly wiry and slightly twisted tea leaves.

AL Waddan® Chineese Green Tea

Super Chunmee 41022 Long, slender, compact, and consistent
has a pungent, soft, and fresh taste

AL WADDAN® Ceylon black tea,
Tea Bags

This Pure Ceylon black tea is a fine grade of large leaf tea.
It is made of long, slightly wiry and slightly twisted tea leaves.

AL Waddan® Chineese Green Tea,
Tea Bags

Super Chunmee 41022 Long, slender, compact, and consistent
has a pungent, soft, and fresh taste

AL WADDAN® Ceylon black tea,
Tea Tin

This Pure Ceylon black tea is a fine grade of large leaf tea.
It is made of long, slightly wiry and slightly twisted tea leaves.

AL Waddan® Chineese Green Tea,
Tea Tin

Super Chunmee 41022 Long, slender, compact, and consistent
has a pungent, soft, and fresh taste

AL Waddan® Black Tea CTC

The top quality tea ALWADDAN® Kenya Black Tea CTC is sourced from Kenya’s highlands.
The Cut, Tear, and Curl (CTC) process yields short, uniform tea leaves that brew rapidly and have a robust, strong flavor.

AL Waddan® Black Dust Tea

Are you looking for a strong, rich tea to start the day?
AL WADDAN® Kenya Black Dust Tea is the ideal option!
This tea is designed for those who enjoy a robust,
full-bodied tea and is sourced from the best tea estates in Kenya.