
Turkish coffee differs from other various kinds of coffee because
it is produced by boiling in a conventional copper pot termed cezve.
Turkish coffee is made from very finely ground coffee beans without filtering.
Compared to other coffees, Turkish coffee is thicker and more aromatic.
Efendim® is our original Turkish coffee brand,
we kept the tradition and we preserved all the details
to produce a genuine cup of Turkish coffee.

Turkish coffee differs from other various kinds of coffee because
it is produced by boiling in a conventional copper pot termed cezve.
Turkish coffee is made from very finely ground coffee beans without filtering.
Compared to other coffees, Turkish coffee is thicker and more aromatic.
Efendim® is our original Turkish coffee brand,
we kept the tradition and we preserved all the details
to produce a genuine cup of Turkish coffee.

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Plain Light

Zaitoonat® زيت زيتون بكر ممتاز

هدية البحر الأبيض المتوسط
زيت الزيتون البكر الممتاز Zaitoonat® مصنوع من أفضل أنواع الزيتون المختارة من الحقول الخضراء
Zaitoonat® زيتون بكر ممتاز طبيعي 100٪ ويتم إنتاجه في عملية استخلاص ميكانيكي باردة واحدة ، حيث لا يتم استخدام الحرارة أو المواد الكيميائية لتغيير الصفات الطبيعية للزيت.

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Medium
Roast Plain

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Dark
Roast Plain

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Light Roast
With Cardamom

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Medium Roast
With Cardamom

Efendim® Turkish Coffee Dark Roast
With Cardamom