
Comidare merchandizes a diverse selection of NAQI®️ oilseeds, our aim is to provide consumers with outstanding taste, texture, and nutrition they desire in the meals they enjoy.
Consumers increasingly have a long list of demands from the foods and beverages they select, influenced by their wellness concerns, conscious consumption, and on-the-go lifestyles.
They demand a selection of dependable oils that perform and balance all of their needs, we at Comidare help to meet each of those demands.
Comidare merchandizes a diverse selection of NAQI®️ oilseeds, our aim is to provide consumers with outstanding taste, texture, and nutrition they desire in the meals they enjoy.
Consumers increasingly have a long list of demands from the foods and beverages they select, influenced by their wellness concerns, conscious consumption, and on-the-go lifestyles.
They demand a selection of dependable oils that perform and balance all of their needs, we at Comidare help to meet each of those demands.

NAQI®️ Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil NAQI®️ is a Premium Refined deodorized sunflower oil manufactured from the best quality sunflower seeds that have not been chemically treated.
It has a clean taste, a high smoking point, making it perfect for home cooking or salads.
Sunflower oil contains vitamins and a variety of other beneficial elements. The main component is vitamin E, but it also contains vitamins A, D, and vegetable fats, which boost metabolism and enhance the immune system.

NAQI®️ Corn oil

Corn oil NAQI®️ is 100% Pure and premium Corn oil,
the cutting-edge manufacturing technique ensures high product quality. 

The bottle and the grip designs guarantee satisfaction and ease of handling.

NAQI®️ Cottonseed Oil

Cottonseed oil NAQI®️ is similar to olive oil, it contains a lot of polyunsaturated fat, which can help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while boosting HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

It is utilized in cooking and is commonly found in processed foods due to its capability to extend shelf life.

NAQI®️ Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil NAQI®️ is a vegetable oil combination that can be used in a variety of recipes, it is a blend of vegetable oils that combines the benefits of each type of oil.
It allows you to cook at high temperatures serving a nutritious meal to your family

NAQI®️ Palm oil

Palm oil NAQI®️is a refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein that has been specially fractionated and refined to obtain a clear golden yellow oil.
The oil is cholesterol-free and high in natural vitamin E content. It is suitable for general cooking and deep-frying.