
We offer a huge selection of nutritious and healthful canned tuna that both kids and adults like due to The vivid colors and consistently utmost quality.
Sea U®️ tuna are known for its particular delecious flavor.
Strict controls and exceedingly extensive cleaning procedures ensure the quality of our products.
The Comidare SL team is dedicated to protecting nature and marine life.
We offer a huge selection of nutritious and healthful canned tuna that both kids and adults like due to The vivid colors and consistently utmost quality.
Sea U®️ tuna are known for its particular delecious flavor.
Strict controls and exceedingly extensive cleaning procedures ensure the quality of our products.
The Comidare SL team is dedicated to protecting nature and marine life.

Sea U®️ solid Yellowfin Tuna
Extra virgin Olive Oil

Premium yellowfin tuna prepared in extra virgin olive oil using carefully chosen, premium-quality raw ingredients.
True connoisseurs who want to fully appreciate the flavor of our Sea U®️ Solid Yellowfin Tuna and the robust flavor of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil that distinguishes it, will find our tuna to be the perfect choice.

Sea U®️ Solid Yellowfin Tuna
Olive Oil

Only the yellowfin species, which is distinguished by the compactness of the meat and the delicate flavor, is used since the source is strictly monitored.
Sea U®️ delivers an authentic and delectable product to your table that is free of additives and preservatives.

Sea U®️ Solid Skipjack Tuna
Olive Oil

We forecast that tuna will remain a favorite among families for many generations to come due to its naturally wonderful flavor and adaptability, which allows it to be used in everything from tuna pasta to sandwiches.
Sea U®️ Solid Skipjack Tuna in Olive Oil is accompanied by all the flavor and benefits of olive oil.

Sea U®️ Solid Skipjack Tuna
Sunflower Oil

Sea U®️ tuna is a high-protein food.
Protein helps to build muscle mass when consumed as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Additionally, you can be certain that this meat is both delectably tasty and nutrient-rich because we are dedicated to obtaining our tuna from the cleanest coastal seas.

Sea U®️ Chunk Skipjack Tuna
Sunflower Oil

Along with the traditional melt-in-your-mouth softness and delicate flavor shared by all Sea U®️ tuna products, our Chunk Skipjack Tuna in Sunflower has a faint salt flavor.
These protein-rich fish chunks are ideal for enhancing the texture of a pasta sauce or a summertime salad.

Sea U® Bonito Del Norte Tuna Fillet
Olive Oil

Without any freezing whatsoever, fresh white tuna. 


Only olive oil and salt are included. 


Its white meat is the most sought-after of its kind due to its robust flavor and tender texture.


Packed in a seal glass jar

Sea U® Bonito Del Norte Tuna Fillet  
in Spring Water

Fillets of tuna packed in pure spring water, without any freezing whatsoever, fresh white tuna. 


So straightforward and tasty, Dolphin safe, Wild captured.


Packed in a seal glass jar

Sea U®️ Solid Yellowfin Tuna Fillet
Olive Oil

Only the yellowfin species, which is distinguished by the compactness of the meat and the delicate flavor, is used since the source is strictly monitored.

Sea U®️ delivers an authentic and delectable product to your table that is free of additives and preservatives.

Packed in a seal glass jar.

Sea U®️ Solid Yellowfin Tuna Fillet
in Spring Water

Only the yellowfin species, which is distinguished by the compactness of the meat and the delicate flavor, is used since the source is strictly monitored.

Sea U®️ delivers an authentic and delectable product to your table that is free of additives and preservatives.

Packed in a seal glass jar.

Sea U®️ Solid Skipjack Tuna Fillet
Olive Oil

We forecast that tuna will remain a favorite among families for many generations to come due to its naturally wonderful flavor and adaptability, which allows it to be used in everything from tuna pasta to sandwiches.

Sea U®️ Solid Skipjack Tuna in Olive Oil is accompanied by all the flavor and benefits of olive oil.

Packed in a seal glass jar.